Thursday, November 18, 2010


Once again my mother is my inspiration. I wish I could say that I have patterned my life in wellness, health and fitness from her wonderful example. The truth is that she is in a Georgia hospital for what may be the last time. For more years than I probably know, my mother has gone through her life in a body she loathed, disconnected from and refused to nurture. In response her body began to give up on her. Passively, she relinquished control of her life and it could not have been more dramatically reflected than in the condition of her body.

Strength. Flexibility. Agility. Mobility. Stability.
Body. Mind. Spirit. Emotions.

Condition the Body to be strong enough to be playful, flexible and agile enough to get up and down from the floor and mobile and stable enough to always be Dancing Through Life.
Condition the Mind. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote a beautiful book called "The Four Agreements - A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom". In Nia we have adopted those concepts into what we call the "Energy Allies".
  • Speak Impeccably - Say what needs to be said, no more, no less.
  • Don't Assume Anything - Assumptions bring stories, stories bring drama, drama brings pain. If you're wondering, go to the source and ASK!
  • Don't Take Anything Personally - Everyone has their own story and can only live through their own story. It is not your story or mine so even if someone is screaming at you, it is not your story and likely not about you at all.
  • Always Do Your Best - My best varies from day to day and moment to moment, but if I am truly doing my best in the moment I have no reason to judge myself and get caught up in the guilt, blame and self-punishment cycle.

It is my intention to always be in relationship with our Energy Allies and the results, for me, have been nothing short of remarkable. I'm not the poster child for perfection with them, but I can say that I am doing my best. It makes my life easier and often, not always, makes life easier for those around me!!

Condition the Emotions. Bring the Energy Allies into your life and give yourself the gift of having more freedom in your emotions. That is not to say that you will not feel pain or anger or resentment. For me, it's been like "picking my battles". In a situation I now take a split second to think to myself, "Ok, is this really important?", "Was that really an insult?", "If it was, do I care?". If the answer is no, then I have freed myself from what I perceive as unnecesary suffering. Not only that, but I may have stopped myself from causing suffering to another person.

Condition the Spirit by being open to inspiration from unexpected sources. "I just knew the phone was going to ring", "this decision just feels so right", "we were having this conversation and the idea just dropped into my head!", "I know I'm doing the right thing", "I just had to connect to that person in that moment". Personally I try to spend alot of my time here. I'm a creative person and I never know where inspiration is going to come from. With experience I have come to never shut down the opportunity for revelation.

I wish I could have shared these concepts with my mother. Whether she recovers this time or not, she will always be a significant inspiration for me to live a more balanced life.

Now, how does all this affect the immune system...

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I'm actually excited knowing that there's another blog post coming...

    Your blogs are inspirational Catherine, and full of fabulous information about not only Nia, but the Body's Way, anatomy, the various systems of the body, the realms (body, mind, emotions, spirit)...endlessly interesting reading.

    I am, however, saddened to hear about your mother. You seem to be at peace with whatever needs to happen, and for that I am grateful. Your sentence, "my mother has gone through her life in a body she loathed, disconnected from and refused to nurture. In response her body began to give up on her." How profoundly sad yet accurate this is...the body does listen and will begin to believe what it hears, sees, is fed, etc. And yet at another level, the spirit that so deservingly needs a healthy body through which to express it's unique self, when finding itself unable to do so, will simply leave.

    Illness is one thing, disconnecting and choosing not to nurture is another. When my dad's cancer-ridden body could no longer contain the immensity of his spirit, he simply let go and with one last breath his body was nothing but a shell. His spirit was very present but no longer connected to and thus not animating his body. Very interesting experience.

    I am inspired that you find inspiration in the path that your mother has chosen. I understand totally. Life's lessons are many and come in a variety of forms. You are a blessing in my life.
