Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dancing Through Life

75 trillion Cells 200 Bones 700 Muscles

Our bodies are built to move in a delicious myriad of ways and many, many studies show that practically every single one of us will unconsciously begin to dance when music is played. Watch a 2 year old when music is on. They definitely get their groove on in their own Body's Way! Our beautiful design of muscles, ligaments, tendons that surround and support bony joints give us all the opportunity to become fit, strong and expressive.

To dance is the celebrate life.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Standards of Movement?

To become a professional dancer, we must follow the rules and submit to the standards; we must look "like that", we must move "like that", we must have bodies "like that". We must obey the standard.
To go to a fitness class, go out to a dance club with friends, or join an adult dance class just for fun you must look "like that", you must move "like that", you must have a body "like that". You must obey the standard.
What do you think??
I'd love your comments.
More to come...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nia is...

Nia is...
for the curious
for the pioneer
for the courageous
for the risk taker
for the dancing spirit
in all of us.

52 Moves - a Nia Workshop

52 Moves - A Nia Workshop
It's time to get into the nuts and bolts of Nia: the 52 Moves.
On Saturday, October 3, I will be facilitating a workshop that will introduce and review the 52 basic movement components that are at the heart of Nia.
For someone who is new to Nia, this is a great way to explore the basics.
For those who have been practicing Nia, this workshop will offer the chance to re-visit as a beginner and also to hone existing skills.
There are few experiences as exciting as being a beginner and life-long student. Sensing a new world opening up, right at the tips of your fingers, in the next step.
Bring your curiousity, your love of learning, your need to move the way your body was designed to move.
When: Saturday, October 3, 11am-12:30pm
Where: Anahata Center, 929 South Main Street, Lombard, IL
got questions?
How Much: $15.00

Friday, June 5, 2009

What is Nia?

Nia is a workout, lifestyle and personal growth program. More than a physical fitness or weight loss program, Nia is a way to condition, heal and transform your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Nia is a system that blends Eastern and Western movements, concepts and philosophy derived from three main movement forms: Martial Arts (mindful precision), Dance Arts (personal expression) and Healing Arts (self-healing). The philosophy of Nia is based on the pleasure principle: If it feels good, keep doing it; if it hurts, stop and adapt what you do to feel better.
I am a Nia teacher. Everytime I read this description of Nia, or one very similar I have to stop and think about what it means to me in that particular moment. When a prospective student asks me what Nia is, I still struggle with a simple definition, because from my perspective, Nia is not simple. Nia is organic and fluid. Today when I shared class with my students, it was a fitness program to condition my cardiovascular system. Yesterday, in my personal practice, it was a way to open my heart and express myself creatively. When I guide workshops, it is often a program that blends movement disciplines to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and challenge the nervous system.