Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Everything has to be working properly...

I have a wonderful teacher for Biomedical Terminology, who reminds the class regularly, that it really takes everything working properly for us to feel good. Inversely, if one of the systems in my body is not in homeostasis, I'm probably walkin' around not feeling so great.
And that's just my body. When my mind, emotions and spirit are included, life really gets interesting!
Here are some examples. You probably have some, more or less of the same things going on around you.
I'm not getting enough sleep. (Gee what are the ramifications of this to my body! Slower physical recovery time. Less emotional tolerance for frustration, anger, sadness with the tendency to overreact. My mind is much more easily distracted and I can't remember why I went looking for that piece of paper! My creativity is down, my imagination is sluggish and often, I don't even feel like trying. Or playing. Or dancing.)
Still teaching classes. (A little more stress on the body, but I'm hoping to balance that by the fact that Nia feeds, nurtures and quiets my spirit and emotions. Level one, aaahhhhhhh!)
My relationship status is "complicated" and it IS! (A bit of emotional stuff here!)
My parents' are slipping away, in and out of the hospital and on the other side of the country. (With an extra helping of mind-blowing impossible logistics, emotional writhing and spirit depleting thrown in just for the hell of it :})
I'm back in school for a new career (to sustain me while I am growing my life's passion) and I cannot fail. (A bit more mental, with some fear-of-failure to taste, but also pleasure in learning the material and making new friends - a little balance...)
I'm also studying for a separate certification (for which the preparation includes 3 texts, 4 dvds and 100+ flashcards and it's in under 4 weeks.) and I cannot fail. (Just shoot me!)
My eating habits are sound, however I am a vegetarian who struggles to get enough protein and under stress will forgo the protein for sugar. (Nutrition is a huge component of well-being and there is a tendency to sacrifice it first. How I stand nutritionally affects all of my body's systems as well as all four realms of my being!)
I'll be selling the house I currently live in in a year and moving - possibly out of state. (Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (Yaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!) (And everything in between!)
Oh, yea, and I have 2 teenagers!
Just for a reality check and to maintain perspective, things could be much worse and I could have it so much harder. I am grateful for the support system I have. Even though, from time to time I feel like I'm free falling, I know that I am truly grounded.
Ok, now where is the balance in my life?!? (From a previous posting...)
I am the balance.
1st: in Gratitude
In acknowledging all that I have, I realize, well, all that I have!
Inviting the Energy Allies so that I am able to hold onto that perspective when I am too tired and totally overwhelmed.
Being impeccable with my word. With fatigue and stress I can take the art of sarcasm to new heights and hurt people I care for. Speaking what I know is true, no more and no less. And only whining to my best friends who will give me whining priviledges if I don't abuse them!
Never assume. Big one. So much going on. Just because a situation seems like it will head in a certain direction, I am working very diligently to refrain from making judgements. When I have the chance, I will ask. Until then, I will not create stories in my head. No drama over stories that have not happened. If I need something I will ask for it. No one should have to assume, or "figure out" or "just know" what I need. In return, those in my life are expected to do the same. I can no longer "take a hint". There are those of you who are especially practiced at this (and you know who you are). Don't assume I know what you're doing or what you're thinking. Don't assume I understand. I lost my crystal ball around the time I lost my virginity - a long time ago!
Always do my best. I know when I am doing my best and I know when I am not. This is my call to make. That being the case, it is not a call to hide behind. When I do my best, everyone around me benefits, especially me. My best, like everyone's, will vary from day to day and even from moment. Today, I aced a test. Tomorrow, my best may just be showing up. Taking a nap was my best about an hour ago. Getting to bed before midnight is my best for my current schedule. Not studying after 8pm. Maybe tonight, since I got a little nap, I may be able to go later.
Take nothing personally. At first this was the most difficult. Now not so much. However, with fatigue and stress, I find that my feelings are more easily hurt. Everyone is in their own personal experience and can only receive from that place. No one can know what's going on with me except me. When you cancel lunch plans and I don't lovingly reply with "no problem, see you soon", I'm tired and maybe I didn't ace that test. It's got nothing to do with you. I'm dealing with stepping through alot of new doors. It's not about you. If I hurt your feelings, say so and I will do the same.
These four promises that I make to myself and those around me free me from an enormous amount of grief and pain that I might otherwise waste my precious energy navigating.
The beautiful concepts were written about and described in more poetic depth by Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreement.

1 comment:

  1. Catherine---this was so beautifully written and I could FEEL what you were saying.........Wow, I wish I could express myself as well as you do! I just want you to know that I am here and I will see you as soon as I get these concrete boots off of my feet so I can move freely---metaphorically speaking! lol Love, Debbie
