Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dance Heals

Dance Heals. The Body. The Mind. The Spirit. The Emotions.

Movement invites us to be strong, flexible, agile, stable and mobile, to "blow off steam". 

Dance Heals.

Dance is that private place I go when the music starts. Or with no music at all. Without thought, I'm there. Suddenly the noise in my head is gone and there is little around me that can shake the journey once it starts. Dance gives me access to parts of myself that, in the past, were too complex to expose to day-to-day consciousness. Dance is like a zip file.
If I am willing, Dance lovingly guides me, into hell and out again. 
Dance guides me, without judgment but also without coddling, through the fire, through the pleasure and pain and gives me what I need. Whether I realize it at the time or not.

The agreement that I have with Dance is that I do not allow interference. My mind is silent and observing, like watching a silent movie. My emotions may connect and color my Dance, but they do not interrupt the flow. My spirit is open; giving Dance access to every possible avenue for tweak, adjust, shift or change.

Dance is a medium I use to guide and share Nia with my students. Dance is a medium I use to express how I "hear" music and other sounds. Dance is a medium I use to process and express my creativity. Dance is a medium I use to teach my body-self structure, organization, discipline and the medium with which I challenge my habits and tendencies. 
All Dance. All pieces of, but different from the Dance that I invoke specifically for healing.

Dance also helps me to stay vulnerable. I'll re-visit this.
Like Charlie Parker said, "If you ain't livin', it ain't gonna come out of your horn."

I know that you have come to expect only the most sophisticated of articulations on my part, but on this, I've just got one word: "yea".

Whatever my Dance looks like, it is a reflection of my life experience. It is a reflecting pool for the myriad of moments through which I have laughed, loved, cried, screamed, howled, cheered, sulked, chuckled, snickered, jeered (me? really?!?!), growled, snarled, giggled, whooped and hollered.

Dance as guide, mixer, expression, and discipline is the Healer. I have always danced, and I have always known that dance made me feel "better". Nia offers me a direct way to channel the energy that Dance and I co-create.

Dance is my medium. 

"Dance" is an interchangeable term for "being in my body". Dance gives me the vocabulary (movement and sensation) to Heal. 

Dance relieves my mind, spirit and emotions from the entire burden of life. What I can resolve and heal through my body, is that much less my mind has to think about and have to figure out. It's that much less my spirit has to bogged down over and that much less my emotions have to endure.

My body and Dance are also the vehicles through which I heal beyond myself, but I think that's for later...

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