Monday, July 4, 2011

Dancing through the Storm - Stepping Forward or Swept Forward!?!

(My work and my responses to your work (whatever that may be ...unknown to me)... also known as the magic and wonder of communication and relationships!)

I have been known to consider myself a deeply compassionate person.
Now, I have to ask myself, when, though, in expressing compassion, am I responding to your experience from a place of pure receiving and when am I responding to your experience through the filter of my experience and emotional interference?

First Do No Harm

Friends, Lovers, Parents, Teachers, Acquaintances, Well-Intentioned or Otherwise (it's the same).

" I treat others reveals who I am... the way others treat others reveals who they are..."
Thank you, Molly Fox for the reminder.

I teach you how to treat me.
Consciously and unconsciously, my life and who I am in the moment, is revealed to those around me. As I become more and more conscious of my mental body and how I manage my mental energy, the patterns in my life make more sense.
Why do I attract the people I attract?
Why do I repel others?
"Why do these things happen to me?"
There's no one to ask but myself. Every single answer is within me. Results of my organic self or of external events - my answers come from the subsequent processing of any and all of my exeriences. (Thank you, Robyn)

You teach me how to treat you.
You show me your process. With words, body language and with silence. In the end, clarity comes from what your body says and your silence. After, your words may either confuse me, hurt me or validate what I sense. I can reflexively bounce off of what you put out or I can stop and take another look. Can I break words down into the mere sounds they are (thank you, Jason), remain unattached, open to intention and truly hear you?

Is it my intention to show you

(Thank you, Kim)
" i will treat others the way i would like to be treated..." thanks Molly...

Can I say, with honesty that I am impeccable with my practice of compassion? How can I learn from my compassion practice? What are my responses when you show me

First Do No Harm

Can I put aside/leave behind/completely discard my responses to the person you were         5 minutes ago, 5 months ago, 5 years ago and be with who you are right now?

"When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you." (rough quote)
When the looking is unfocused, haphazard and closed. When does the abyss become the looking glass? I can choose to see blackness, emptiness and wait to be shown or I can look with the intention to see - curious, relaxed, alert and waiting.

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