Saturday, May 28, 2011

Authentic - Am I? Who? Pt. 1

Nia asks that I bring who I am to our dance.

Nia asks that I bring my organic dance; that I dance my spirit.

Nia also asks that I explore all facets of myself so that I know my authentic spirit and organic dance when I meet them.

Authentic. Real. True. True to one's own personality, character and spirit.

Organic. Related to or derived from a living organism; of or pertaining to the constitution of structure of a living thing.

My dance is what honestly comes from my body without plan; it is what arrives from what I am.
My dance is what flows from my limitless heart and boundless spirit.
My dance knows no limits and no bounds save for the ones I create or accept.

Why would I create limits?

Why would I accept limits or boundaries (for me) set by someone else?

Why would I create limits for myself?

Is this a "chicken" or an egg" thing?

Would I set limits for myself because I believe the limits someone else has created for me are real?
Do I tend to set limits for others because I set limits for myself and believe others must also have limits?

Why would I submit to another person's definition on what I am or am not and what I can or cannot do?

I've never been good with authority figures (read organic) and taking "no" for an answer has never been my strong suit, so why do I believe some things about myself that are not true?

Possible Answer 1: a long time ago, someone/s I trusted gave me erroneous information. Possibly, hopefully, not on purpose, but still there was trust involved and I was young so the ideas stuck and the ideas became limits.
(Can this be considered some sort of transubstantiation? Yes, I know what transubstatiation means - changing from one thing into another thing. That is what happened.
From "idea" [just words, true or untrue] to "limit" [as concrete and tangible as an idea can get short of literally taking form]. Metaphysical transubstantiation?!?!

Possible Answer 2: my limits are the result of societal and/or cultural beliefs and attitudes.

Mmm, I could dive into cultures controlling their populations, media manipulation, Big Brother watching and other paranoid conspiracy theories, but I think I'll leave that to someone else (who doesn't have as much personal work to do!).

How about innocent keep-the-peace, respect-everyone-around-you, support-a-safe-world idea?

Either way, not to put too fine a point on it: I'm screwed and I've got a helluva lot of work ahead of me to clear out what isn't mine so that I can move ahead with what is. 

So then, who am I - really? Who are you - really?

Give it some thought. I'll do the same and I'll get back to you...

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