Over the past 19 years of working in the fitness industry, if I had a nickel for every time I used the above expression, I would never need to work again!!!!
And it's still true.
That little statement, in and of itself, is astounding!!!
Just a little while ago I read an article written regarding a study led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City entitled: "Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter" by Richard Powers.
My first response: Wow!
My second response as a Nia dance teacher: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
I have been on this earth long enough to realize that just because someone publishes info. from a study doesn't mean it's the last word. So while I am delighted by this I am going to look around, and research what else has been done and what's coming around the corner.
There was this study done in which learning to juggle resulted in changes in the part of the brain involved in complex motor control...
It's beginning to sound a bit like the "form follows function" concept in bone development. Briefly, bones develop and are, literally shaped by what we use them for.
Neuroscience is so so so complex and there is so much yet to understand, but it is amazing to watch as strides are made. They might change their minds next year, but hey, nothing is permanent anyway!!
Catherine, I really liked the article you mention. The whole notion that 'awkwardness' breeds new brain connections has certainly been confirmed in other studies (although I wish this author had defined what constitutes 'frequent dancing').
ReplyDeleteAs far as other brain-related research, you may want to talk to my friend Carlene, who has come to a couple classes. She has been very interested in this topic for some time, and may know of solid studies linking neuroscience and movement. Julie