I've been thinking about this one for a loooooong time.
When I was invited to share One-on-One training, the first question I asked myself was "what have you done?!?!" Just kidding!
The question was: what form should this work take? This one little question has been causing me major heartburn and some pretty damn serious anxiety.
How should I share this? A one-on-one class doesn't even sound comfortable unless the student is already a Nia lover.
I'm almost embarrassed to type the next question - NO! I AM embarrassed to type the next question!!
Before I do, I will preface this step into humiliation with the following:
why did I make this so complicated?
it feels nice to get out of my own way
I may have been a top runner for the Nobel Prize for Over Thinking!!!
Ready? *wince*
How do I translate the work from class to one-on-one?
I'm sitting here shaking my head woefully. Had I learned nothing from all of the Nia Belt Intensives I have participated in? I'm a Brown Belt Nia teacher for God's sake! Sigh.
Putting the flogging implement away...
I was so caught up in keeping movement in a relatively narrow scope, that I almost missed the point.
POINT: any and every movement form can be brought into this practice.
Luke (you know, Skywalker?!?), it is not the movement, but the approach - the philosophy of the practice that makes it Nia-based.
And where, you might ask, did I happen upon this brilliant epiphany?
From yesterday's run. From processing My Body's Way in yesterday's posting.
Al-RIGHT, not my finest intellectual moment - jeez - but hey - I'm here!!
The Body's Way - the da Vinci code - the treasure map
My Body's Way - the treasure
Functional Fitness - a sucky name for a beautiful way to train the body to do anything*
*"anything" meaning this can be used for a soccer player, a dancer, a caterer looking to gain endurance, a business man who wants to get stronger, etc.
Needs a new name.
Any suggestions?
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