Am I wandering away from the "I want to start a business"? Nope - still at it.
Healing. My body is.
I move with awareness and I listen when it tells me "no", or "not that way". From a body I hated and hurt to tolerate because no matter what I did, I could not have a "ballet" body to one I respect, honor and would not want any other way. I am stronger, more flexible, more stable, more pliable, more agile and I love my body. Does my body look as fit as it did before? Come to class and find out!
Healing. My mind is.
I stopped creating and listening to the chatter that created pain and disconnection - assumptions, stories, drama. My mind is becoming more like Union Station: thoughts come in and go out, no sticking around. If it's really important, it'll come back around. The sensation of freedom is lovely. I can conserve my mental energy. Now I have more room for creativity!
Healing. My emotions.
I am passionate and intense. By releasing the habit of taking things personally I have given myself the gift of peace. Since most of what is going on around me is not about me, I don't have to react and be angry, or hurt or disappointed. I can conserve my emotional energy.
I am not perfect at any of it, but these opportunities to heal have offered shifts for me in wonderful ways. This is the Nia I want to share now.
Wow. Now I am healing. Nia is absolutely, positively, most assuredly my passion, my sacred livelihood, and I am honored to share in Nia's healing, Nia's conscious movement, Nia's principles (what other cardio practice has 52 principles that can be associated with one's personal living?)-- with another (you) who is as passionate about sharing Nia as I am -- yes Now I am.